“Dakota University” was established in 1885 and changed its name in 1904 to Dakota Wesleyan University. It boasted 300 students by 1920, making it the largest private university in the state. During the depression years of the 1930s, DWU accepted farm produce as tuition and let professors live in Graham Hall.

Carnegie Archive Photo.

Published in the March 10th, 2020 Daily Republic.

“EQUITY UNION CREAMERIES    A MIGHTY ORGANIZATION   Plant  Established By Farmers of the Northwest At Aberdeen In 1916 Was First Cooperative Centralized Creamery In World,” was the headline in the November 16, 1929, The Evening Republican. Equity continued to grow and expand its operations and opened a branch in Mitchell on March 22, 1926, with the first can of cream delivered on March 23.  The Mitchell branch located at 300 West 1st Avenue became very prosperous and rivalled the parent plant in Aberdeen.  Mitchell’s plant manufactured ice cream, and milk was bottled and distributed throughout the community.  The Mitchell branch was so prosperous that a new and bigger plant, (301 W 1st Ave.) was built in 1931 across the street in the current Sturdevant’s Auto Parts Store location. With the most modern equipment, a full basement designated for the manufacture of cheese, and space for offices on part of the second floor the cost was between $60,000 and $70,000.  Many efforts were made to have the best sanitary and ventilating conditions for the manufacturing and storage of the products which included bottled milk, cheese, butter and ice cream.  The design of the building allowed for natural light to light the two-story manufacturing area. This photo taken April 13, 1931, by Stair Photos shows the construction by Pioneer Construction Co. of the reinforced concrete basement area of the 301 W. 1st location.  Floyd Kings was the architect.  Equity opened a Co-Op Super Market on Saturday, June 16, 1945, that included a complete grocery department, ice cream store, locker plant and creamery. Milk sold for 9 cents a quart.  Equity closed in 1952.

Carnegie Resource Center Photo.

Published in the January 14th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Christmas decorations on the corner of Third Avenue and Main Street in 1975 add a festive mood.  Woolworth’s sits on the left (northeast corner of the intersection) with Saterlie Drug diagonally across the street on the southwest corner of the intersection.  The Commercial Bank was located on the southeast corner of the intersection and was destroyed by fire in 1981 with the building razed in 1982.  A park is on the corner now. The Johnson’s Furniture sign can be seen at the corner of Third and Lawler.

Photo Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the December 30th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

In honor of Veterans – The Great World War

This plaque sits in the northwest corner of Hitchcock Park imbedded in a large rock a few feet from the “The Old Mill Stone” that was used at White’s Mill on the Jim River. It says, “This tablet erected and this grove dedicated by the CITIZENS OF MITCHELL in memory of those of DAVISON COUNTY who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great World War for democracy  1917-1919”  The names listed are: “Howard Barton, John Curtis Berry, Lloyd A. Bishop, Severson Brainard, Peter V. Brethorst, Raymond S. Calkins, Emil H. Carlson, William H. Coacher, Wilber T. Derr, Leroy George Fox, Harold W. Gage, Harry A. Hansen, William M. Jordan, John W. Kempton, Emil Laurson, David McConnell, Clarence McCune, Ray L. McLean, P.H. McManamen, Father C.E. O’Flaherty, McKinley Pound, Emil Rosenquist, Edward Schmidt, Oliver L. Scott, Arthur Earle Shale, William B. Shepard, Lester L. Slagel, R. Carroll Thompson and Carroll B. West.” 

Each corner has a depiction of war : a war ship is in the upper left-hand corner; a bi-wing airplane in the upper right-hand corner; men in trenches in the lower left-hand corner; men firing a cannon in the lower right-hand corner.  The final motto says, “THE RIGHT IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN PEACE.”    Photo by Linda Oster.

Published in the November 14th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

A Leeland Art Co. postcard shows one of the entertainers at the 1913 Corn Palace Festival.  The entertainer is identified as “Fussner ascending the spiral tower.”  The 1913 Corn Palace sat on 5th Avenue and Main Street and was the second Corn Palace with the main entrance off 5th Avenue.  Mitchell Main Street had just been paved and festivities included food vendors for the first time during the festival. 

From the Carnegie Archives.

Published in the August 12th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

An early postcard donated by Jeff Logan shows a desolate Mitchell Main Street. It seems that it was used to predict the activity on Main with prohibition in force. The back reads, “The Day Represents – The Prohibition Party NO Business”

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Logan.

Published in the March 31st, 2020 Daily Republic.

From the Carnegie Resource Collection comes a picture showing Mitchell’s Main Street in 1912. This picture was taken on First and Main. The delivery cart on the left-side of the picture is from the Snow Flake Bakery, Phone 851 – Geo. Erhart. The Widmann Hotel sits on the right-side of picture. Only one auto, a brass-era Model T, was present at the time the picture was taken, but many horses and wagons are lined up along Main. The Corn Palace can be seen in the middle of the picture at the end of the street.

Published in the July 11th, 2020 Mitchell Republic

This picture comes from a Souvenir Book about Mitchell donated by Dana Noland. She writes, “I recently inherited a “Souvenir Book” that apparently belonged to my great-grandmother Mable Marie Vanderbogart, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ray Vanderbogart, who resided in Mitchell as early as 1880 and perhaps before. I’m not sure if this was a 'published' souvenir book or if she put this together herself before their family moved to California.” This Palace sat on the corner of Fourth and Main and that year was equipped with 75 incandescent lights on stage and 400 lights throughout the upper and lower floors.

Photo from the Archives of the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the March 24th, 2020 Daily Republic.


This is the residence of William C. Metcalf and his wife Helena built in July, 1883  for $3,000 in Mitchell, SD. The picture says that he is a cashier at the Bank of Mitchell. Through research using the Polk City Directories it was found that his address is listed in the 400 block of  North Edmunds for the years 1907, 1911, 1912, and 1917.  By 1921 his residential address moves to West 2nd and 4th Avenues.
W.C. Metcalf became a businessman around 1908 when he purchased or started a men’s clothing store at 201 North Main.  Indra Leopold had a retail clothing store at this location in 1902.  The building Metcalf occupied at 201 North Main was built in 1908.  Metcalf sold his store to Bernard Andresen in 1927 who ran Andresen’s Clothing.    An incomplete history of Metcalf’s business location is as follows:

 W.C. Metcalf Clothing Store 1907-1912                     Gambles Stores 1937-1948               Vacant 1958       

 Metcalf & Wagner Clothing Store 1913-1919               Vacant 1950                                    Schiff’s Shoe Store1960-1967

 W.C. Metcalf Clothing Store 1921-1923                      Snow’s Ice Cream 1953-1955         Worthings Western Wear 1968-  (Fire destroyed bldg.)                   

  Andresen Clothing Co. 1927                                     Army & Navy Store 1957                Outdoor garden for Dr. Lucky’s Bar & Grill 2017-2020                                                                                            

This photo was donated to the Mitchell Area Historical Society by Jeff Logan and was copied from the Katherine (Tracy)Schilling Collection.

Published in the December 5th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

                                                    Living Last Supper

1986 or 1987 - Trinity Lutheran Church at 1400 E Second St, Mitchell, SD brought Leonardo da Vinci’s famous depiction of the Last Supper to life. Each person described the life of the disciple he was portraying during their time with Jesus, and the person portraying Jesus described what each disciple did the night before Jesus’ death and the consequent ministries of each disciple.
Left to right: Mark Kauffman, Claude Chatterton, Dennis Thompson, Dave Zellmer, Bob Apple, Doug Carlson, Dr. Ron Anderson, Larry Ritter, Craig Walker, Harvey Doerr, Dennis Nath, Jim Klinger, and Bob Sprang.

Photo from the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the April 7th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Engelbert and Sarah Trogner Schlimgen’s Groceries and Provisions store sat at 505 N. Main in Mitchell, SD.  The Schlimgens purchased the property from Margaretha Valentini in 1884 and the store was sold after Engelbert’s death in 1904 to Alice B. Tobin.  This store was located about a 1 1/4  blocks to the north of the first Corn Palace that was erected in 1892 on the NE corner of Fourth Street and Main. The city directory for 1912 listed the owner as A.J. Kettleson. The property sat vacant in 1913 but housed many different kinds of businesses thereafter.  We believe that it is currently the south building attached to The Back 40. 

Photo from the Carnegie Resource Center Archives.

Published in the May 6th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Type your paragraph here.

Mitchell High School 1943 Track Team – This team won 8 first place medals, 2 second place medals and 1 third place medal.

Back Row: Doyle Grout, Don Roller, Norm Mooney, Marvin Pooley
Front Row: Bob Dickenson, “Jake” Augustus Bertram, La Verne Fillmore
Missing: Shearer, Lockridge, Saber

Carnegie Resource Center Photo.

Published in the April 14th, 2020 Daily Republic.

First Annual Merit Badge Exposition of the Sioux Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America parade down Mitchell’s Main Street in April 1932.  The Boy Scouts of America were established in 1910 by Ernest Thompson Seton based on the British scouting model from 1908.  Camping skills were a large part of the program.

Photo by Hersey, Carnegie Archives.

Published in the May 20th, 2020 Daily Republic.

In 1905 the second Corn Palace on the northeast corner of 5th Avenue and Main Street was built in just 55 days and seated around 2500.  This picture shows the 1914 Dutch decorations that adorned the Palace. The Tripp City Band, one of the free attractions that year, was featured in this picture.  Other performers included Francesco Ferullo, vaudeville acts and circus acrobats.  This Palace was replaced in 1920 when the location was moved to the northeast corner of 6th Avenue and Main Street.   

A Stair Photo from the Carnegie Archives.

Published in the August 5th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

The Wilson Motor Company, Studebaker dealer in Mitchell at 503 North Main Street, dates to 1943 when Sam Wilson, the owner and operator, purchased the Corn Palace Motor Company in Mitchell.  Mr. Wilson started working as a mechanic in 1927 for a Studebaker dealer in Mitchell.  His son, Richard, was also associated with the business.  Photo and information from The Counselor, September 1957 issue.  The Wilson Motor Company is listed in the 1963 City Directory but not the 1964 Directory.

Photo, Carnegie Archives.

Published in the July 29th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Mitchell’s first Corn Palace had a dirt floor and was built in 1892 at Fourth Avenue and Main at a cost of $2,976.45 with other costs of: “plumbing $95.27, lighting $264.51, furniture $81.50, decorating $2,248.07, advertising $2006.51, insurance $59.41, and attractions $2,516.44.”(Images of America  Mitchell’s Corn Palace)  It boasted seating accommodations for 2600. The palace was a showplace for the rich varieties of grains that could be produced in the area and was meant to entice future settlers. Agricultural exhibits were a joint effort by the communities in 16 counties.  The celebration was called the Corn-Belt Exposition in 1892.   Photo by Stair Photo donated by Mrs. Sheeley.

Photo from the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the Sept 9th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

The Farwell Store that was located three miles north of the Plano School site approximately half-way between Mitchell, SD and Artesian, SD in Sanborn County.  MapQuest.com shows the location.  It was a stopping-off place for travelers to rest their horses or stay overnight; there were rooms in the upper part of the tall building.  Photo taken by Fred Harris and submitted by Don Harris.

Published in the April 29th, 2020 Daily Republic.

One of the best shows in town was the paving of Mitchell’s Main Street in 1913.  It took many workers with muscle power to level the street, lay the crushed rock base, mix the paving material and place the concrete.  Water, cement and sand had to be hand-loaded into the mixer located in the center of the picture to produce the paving material.  Using wheelbarrows, the mixture was moved to the area where it was placed in sections across the width of the street, hand-trolled to smooth it and corn-broomed to provide the texture.

Carnegie Resource Center Photo.

Published in the January 28th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Business owners had to be creative to get customers in the door as this early advertising promotion by Western Chevrolet in Mitchell, SD circa 1928-1932 highlights. There is a delivery truck with the words “Custer Battlefield Hiway, Scenic Route to the West” on the side.  The sign on the car to the right says, “ To-Day, See the Chief and His Sons, Show Room, Western Chevrolet Co.”  All of this is sitting in front of the Western Chevrolet Building at 5th and Main. 

Published in the May 27th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Photo Carnegie Archives. 

This postcard shows the Carnegie Library in Mitchell, SD.  The card states that it was produced at
Adolph Selige Pub. Co. St. Louis, Mo.  The instructions on the back state that “Writing on this part of the address side permitted after March 1, 1907.”  The cost to mail the card was “1 cent Domestic Canada, and Mexico.  2 cents Foreign.”  Please read the message on the card.

From the Archives of the Carnegie Resource Center

Published in the September 16th, 2020 Mitchell Republic. 

The 1911 Corn Palace exhibited an Egyptian theme with chariot riders etc. This building sat at 5th Avenue and Main Street and was the second Palace. Entertainment that year included Bayne Young, Tom Wallace and the Ellery Band. Notice that the Main entrance is on 5th Street, not Main. The Former Elks Club balcony is shown on the right. This is a hand colored black & white postcard .

Photo by Leland, Carnegie Archives

Published in the July 15th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

East side of Mitchell’s Main Street looking North.  This photo was taken sometime after 1881 because the Alexander Mitchell Hotel is shown at the far end of the street and it was completed in 1881 on the NE corner of Third and Main Street.  Visible on the left side of the picture is a sign that advertises Liquors and cigars with a restaurant and N.Grant building on the right (east).  Also note,the Court House sits in the center of the picture.

Published in the June 3rd, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Photo Carnegie Archives.

A Mitchell photographer, Eliason, shows teachers training in a Vitalizing for Agriculture class in August of 1919. Vitalizing the Teaching of Agriculture was a curriculum model developed by the Agricultural Extension Department of the International Harvester Company to help improve education in the rural schools.  It was based on the idea that lessons needed to be taught using real life experiences, objects and places. Applied lessons were the key; a student wouldn’t just learn what a screwdriver was, but what its uses were by using a screwdriver.  There were four yearly components to the plan with one unit taught throughout a year and then a rotation would start with the other three units each covered on a yearly basis. It was first presented in South Dakota at the Annual Conference of County Superintendents in 1919. The first state-wide campaign for better rural schools ever held in the US was staged in SD in the fall of 1919.  There is more information on the Vitalizing Agriculture Rotation Plan at the Carnegie Resource Center for those who would like a more in-depth explanation.

Carnegie Resource Center Photo.

Published in the January 21st, 2020 Daily Republic.

This 1949 Jim Blades’ photo is of the Tic Tock Café that sat on 9th and Main in Mitchell, SD. Ten cents would buy you a hot dog or root beer float. Sundaes were 15 cents and a cone was 5 cents. A variety of other items were on the menu like egg salad sandwiches(20¢), taverns (20¢), ham and eggs (85¢) or a gallon of ice cream for $1.80. This location became the Stedman’s Grocery Store in the early 1950’s and is now the Plaza Dry Cleaners and Laundromat.

Photo Carnegie Archives.

Published in the June 24th 2020 Mitchell Republic.

The original wooden Emsley Assumption Catholic Church was built in 1898 on land donated by the Joseph and Mary Schoenfelder. This structure burned in 1929 and a brick building was built within the same year. A cemetery sits to the south of the church. Emsley closed in 1963 and was torn down in 2003 due to safety concerns. The location of Emsley is 7 miles west and 1¼ miles south from Ethan, where the cemetery is still maintained.
Photo form the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the February 25th, 2020 Daily Republic.

This is a view of South Main Street in Mount Vernon in 1909. The town was first named Arlandtown for C. Arland, the first postmaster in 1880, but the name was changed because mail became confused with that of Arlington. The new name, which honors the home of George Washington, was selected by its residents. The picture was taken by Leland Art Company.

Published in the February 18th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Eugene Field -1938 When the need arose for a grade school on the south side in 1890, the Lutheran Church, which stood in the 700 block on South Wisconsin Street was used. It served as the school until the first Eugene Field (also known as Southside School) was built in 1894. It was a one teacher school and included only the lower grades. Upper grade pupils attended Whittier. In 1894, lots1, 2, 3, and 4 of block 4 in the University Addition to the City of Mitchell was purchased for the Eugene Field School. It was completed in 1895 and was used until 1921 when a new building was constructed on the south end of the block. The old building was moved away and used for an apartment building. In 1929 a contract was awarded to E.W. Chambers to finish 3 classrooms and 1 hallway. The second floor was left unfinished when the building opened. In 1951 a contract of $63,183.32 was awarded to provide for four more classrooms a complete relighting renovation, and repair of the entire building. This was completed in 1951. This building was used until 1994 when a new school was built south of the DWU campus and was then named L.B. Williams after a former mayor.

From the Archives of the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the September 23, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

This postcard from the Summers Family Collection shows land buyers in their Brass Era autos, so called because these autos had large brass grills and polished brass trim, sitting in front of the Metropolitan Theatre at 311 N. Main.  The inscription reads, “Kelly’s Autos & Land Buyers.    Mitchell, SD.” Kelley’s Land Company was located on the second floor of the theatre from 1917 to 1931 had operated a business in Mitchell from 1901 to at least 1940 according to Polk’s City Directories. 

Published in the February 11th, 2020 Daily Republic. 

Picture taken at Armour, SD 1895 These young gentlemen are caught in a moment in time.
Left to right : Jim Knouse, George Sigloh, George Goodman, William Sigloh and Eugene Wakefield.

From the Carnegie Resource Center Archives.

Published in the October 3rd, 2020 Mitchell Republic.


William (Bill) Puetz, on the left, his horses and a friend pose for a picture.
Springtime meant getting the horses and equipment ready to start another year of farming.  Bill and Mary Grohs Puetz farmed near Ethan, SD and used horses to farm even after they purchased their first tractor in 1944.  Bill loved horses and usually had 10-12 head. During the WPA (Works Progress Administration) years, the dirty thirties,  Bill and his horses were hired by the government to work on dams and roads in the area.

Carnegie Resource Center Photo.

Published in the April 22nd, 2020 Daily Republic.

We were still a Territory when this storm hit Mitchell on January 3, 1888.  From November 1887 through January 1888, ice storms and sub-zero temperatures afflicted a wide area of the plains including the Dakotas. Sources say that the December snowfall measured up to 40 inches. Winter wasn't done with us yet. January 12, 1888, started as a normal winter day but quickly changed into a killer blizzard known as the “Children’s Blizzard” that resulted in 235 deaths, many of them children trying to get home from school.

Carnegie Resource Center Photo.

Published in the December 28th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Armour Creameries was a fully equipped creamery, poultry and egg plant located near south Burr and Davison in Mitchell, SD.  The business started operating March 13, 1926, and closed June 2, 1968, due to competition from larger companies.  It supplied a market for approximately 5,000 farmers at the height of its operations and was said to have shipped 250 carloads of butter, poultry and eggs back to Eastern markets.  The return in dollars to the state was estimated to be $1 million. 

From the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the November 21st, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Jim Blades captured the building of the Lake Vue Drive In Theatre in 1948/1949 in pictures.  Bob Clark (radioman and electrician), Steve Moro and Harry Nultimeier (owner of K&L Ranch Motel) formed a  partnership for the purpose of starting a new business.  Construction started in the fall of 1948 and the theatre opened on May 12, 1949. Rod Hanson purchased it in 1963 and changed the name to the Starlite.  Present owner, Jeff Logan, purchased it in 1975; he remodeled and opened in 1976, closed in 1986, opened in 1993, closed in 2003 and opened in 2020 to provide the community with entertainment during the Covid 19 quarantine time.  Thank you, Jeff. 

Published in the July 22nd, 2020 Mitchell Republic. 

Stagecoach Way Station   This one of the buildings moved from Firesteel to the current site of Mitchell in 1879. The site of Firesteel was chosen by H.C. Green and John Head because they thought the Milwaukee Railroad would select this area to cross the James River. The settlement of Firesteel grew to 32 buildings by 1879.  The railroad did come to the area, but the Milwaukee surveyor thought the area to be a flood plain and moved the location one mile west.  The settlers moved by any way possible everything, including the  buildings, to the new location picked by the railroad. The railroad came to town in 1880 and Mitchell boasted around 320 citizens. Mitchell was incorporated in 1881 and had a population 1,000 by 1883. The city booms and the 1884 directory reports a population of 4,000 and 200 places of business.

Photo form the Carnegie Resource Center. 

Published in the March 3rd, 2020 Daily Republic.

John Phillip Sousa's band performed at the Corn Palace in 1904, the last year for the first Corn Palace. Pictured is John Phillip Sousa taking a break behind the Palace. Sousa was so amazed at the huge crowds and royal treatment that he increased his performances to three a day instead of the scheduled two. In the background is the Beckwith house.

Photo from the Carnegie Archives.

Published in the August 26th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

A major tornado hit Mitchell on May 21, 1962.  The twister traveled up Ohlman Street and left destruction in its path.  In its wake 15 businesses and homes were destroyed, 32 were injured and a financial loss of an estimated $2.5 million was suffered.  Shown is an aerial photo that reveals West Havens Avenue intersecting with South Ohlman Street and the damage incurred. The Anthony Motel is on the bottom left and the remains of Herbies Diner is at top center.

Photo Carnegie Archives

Published in the June 17th, 2020 Mitchell Republic

In honor of Veterans. 

This is the entrance to the Army Air Base that was located north of Mitchell, SD. Early in its history this site had been a grass-strip runway. In July 1941, before America came into the war, this site was designated a “defense airport.”  This designation promised federal funding for improvements with the understanding that local money would also be available.  On December 7, 1941, America was brought into the war with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  This added urgency to the  improvement plans. The Mitchell City Council asked for approval from the citizens to issue $60,000 in  bonds which they received, and the federal government added another $125,000.  Speculation that Mitchell would host a full military base started circulating during the winter of 1941-1942.  By August 5, 1942, an announcement was made that Mitchell would get its base.  Furious work began and the base was operating by October 1942.  After the war the federal government declared the base surplus as reported in The Daily Republic on November 21, 1945, with a follow-up story on August 6, 1946, that the base was likely to be returned to the city by September 1946.  This site, minus many buildings, is Mitchell’s current airport. Photo from the Bob Brown Collection.

From the Carnegie Resource Center

Published in the November 7th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

In Honor of Veteran’s Day – World War II

"It is important for us to honor these veterans whose contributions have, until recently, been ignored. Often sent out on their own to provide communications with headquarters on enemy location and strength, they sometimes spent 24 hours in headphones without sleep or food. Many endured terrible conditions without protection from the enemy. Using three Sioux languages Lakota, Nakota and Dakota, the Sioux Code Talkers were able to communicate messages the enemy was unable to crack."       Congressman John Thune Dec 19, 2000

These coins were authorized by the Code Talkers Recognition Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-420) to recognize the Native Americans who used their native languages to send messages during World War II to keep American information out of the hands of Japan.  The obverse side of coin, a soldier holding a phone and map, was  designed by Thomas Cleveland and the engraver was Phebe Hemphill.  The reverse side of the coin, a variation of the Crow Creek Tribe seal,  was designed by Thomas Cleveland and the engraver was Renata Gordon.  These coins can be purchased through the US Mint.

From the Carnegie Resource Center.

Published in the October 17th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Corker’s Restaurant located at 111 North Main, Mitchell, SD in 1915.  Owner, Julius L. Corker, is
behind the counter with the hat, with Frank Worthen, Marcel DeGaillez, Roscoe Hartwell and
Cloyce Corker joining him.  Others unknown.  Various tobacco products are offered for sale
including Yo Cum Spana Cuba Cigars on counter for 5 cents, Velvet in the can for 10 cents,
Davenport, Camel, and Rex brands along with fresh bread in the display cases.

Carnegie Resource Center Photo

Published in the Jan 7th, 2020 Daily Republic

Modern Health Crusaders gather by the Corn Palace in 1926.  The group participated in a program that began around 1916 in schools and promoted healthy habits.   Various ranks existed within the program with each rank having certain tasks. These ranks had certain goals: Page- the first 5 weeks of the program, Squire- must do 54 chores per week for 5 weeks, Knight-must do 54 chores per week for 10 weeks, Advanced Order – repeat the first 15 weeks and able to wear a pin, Knight Banneret Constant – member for life and earned only after 4 years in the program. Chores included such activities as washing hands before each meal, washing face, ears and neck, keeping fingers, pencils and everything that might cause injury out of my mouth, protecting others if I spit or coughed, in bed 10 or more hours at night with window open, eat slowly and eat wholesome foods like vegetables, fruits and milk, and go to the bathroom regularly.  Participants could earn pins and certificates and had uniforms which included a helmet shaped cap with the double crossbar cross as its decoration. This was an effort by the National Tuberculosis Association, now the American Lung Association, to curb TB and other health issues.  Stair Photo

Published in the February 4th, 2020 Daily Republic.

The NE corner of 4th and Main has a significant history.  It is the site of the first Corn Palace until 1905 and home of the Beckwith Building built circa 1915; it housed Sanitarium Bath Parlors and The Only Way Tailors among its first businesses.  In 1940 the original three buildings on this spot were combined.  Pictured is the Den Beste Drugstore  located at 400 North Main Street,  Robert Den Beste and his son, Gene moved their drugstore to this location in 1955 from 200 North Main Street.  They sold their merchandise and prescriptions to White Drug in 1960. The building’s exterior is now covered in a blue enamel tiling put on sometime after 1955. In 1962 Newberry’s opened at this site.  Bob Schoenfelder purchased the building in 2002, renovated and calls the building the Midtown Plaza.

From the Carnegie Resource Center Archives.

Published in the October 7th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

A photo from 1923 at the Corn Palace details the state high school basketball championship between Yankton and Mitchell. In the photo from the Hersey Photo Service, the game was called “South Dakota’s Greatest Basketball Classic” in the “Northwest’s Greatest Auditorium.” The photo also says 5,000 spectators witnessed the championship game, which Yankton won 25-14. The tournament was played March 14-16, 1923.

               Photo from the Archives of the Carnegie Resource Center and Hersey Photo.

​Published in the March 17th, 2020 Daily Republic.

Circa late1927  – dated using advertising poster located under the large Coca Cola sign on the side of building starring Lon Chaney in the movie, Mr. Wu. Corner of 4th and Main shown.  The Post Office building copula can be seen above the building with the movie and Coke signs.   Photographer E. Hill

Published in the June 10th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Photo Carnegie Archives.

This stereograph photograph from the Sam Weller collection shows youngsters of Mitchell and their mode of transportation in the early part of the 20th century. The advertisement in the background is for a matinee performance of the Michael Strogoff tale adapted from Jules Verne’s novel written in 1876 about a Russian insurrection filled with romance and action. The cupola of the Court House can be seen in the skyline.

Photo Carnegie Archives,

Published in the July 1st, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Mitchell was a booming place during the Corn Palace Carnival. This is a photo of Main Street looking North 115 years ago; the picture has a date of October 27, 1905 across the top and was a greeting between friends. The Corn Palace was at its new site on 5th and Main and the celebration officially went from being the Corn Belt Exposition to the Corn Palace Festival in 1905. The Italian Band, Rossa performed the “Resurrection of Christ” to a full house and the 3rd Regiment Band of Woonsocket also provided entertainment along with other street performers.

From the Carnegie Resource Center Archives.

Published in the October 21st, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

Mitchell High School Football Team 1917 In front, left to right: Perry Foss, Ed Parcells, Doyle Harmon and Steve Coughlin
First Row: Meredith Sweet, Fred Scallin, Coach Keskigo, Captain Charles Barnard,
Al Weller & Loyde Johnson
Second Row: Ralph Diehl, Elgie Coacher, Si Funston, L.W. Larson & Mike Kinport
Back Row: Ted Rowe, Ilo Sincox, George Holleran, Dick Smith & Heyler Alexander

Published in the September 2nd, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

From the Carnegie Archives.

This guard house was located at the Air Base north of Mitchell during World War II (1942).  The base closed operations in 1948 and the buildings were dispersed or put to other uses.  The guard house was purchased by Bud Homan and transformed into a restaurant called “The Brig.”  A Brig is the US Navy’s term for a jail.  The bars on the windows were removed after Mitchell’s City Council passed a resolution that required the removal for fire safety purposes.  In 1951 Homan moved the building to North Highway 37and built an addition still calling the restaurant “The Brig.”  The property and building at 2700 N Main was sold to William Lemer on May 3, 2016. After remodeling of the building and menu the restaurant is now known as  Lake House.  The photo is part of the Bob Brown collection.

From the Carnegie Resource Center Archives.

Published in the November 4th, 2020 Mitchell Republic.

​​​​Back in Time 2020

Honoring our police force during National Police Week, May 10 -16, 2020. This photo, circa 1940s was taken on the west side of the old City Hall that was located on the corner of Second Avenue and Rowley Street. Policemen, Charles Stumm and William Sayles are pictured on early Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Photo from the Carnegie Resource Center Archives.

Published in the May 13th, 2020 Daily Republic.