Leland Photo - Berger Jelmeland’s Tailor Shop Circa 1907-1912 Researcher – Linda Oster
The Jelmeland Tailor Shop sat at 207 Main Street over the Lovinger-Slade Clothing Store in Mitchell, SD. This picture is the in the cutting department of the tailor shop. Sadly, we don’t know if the young man pictured is Berger Jelmeland. This tailor shop was mentioned in the 1907 City Directory, but no mention is made in the 1902 City Directory. However, Joseph L. Lovinger is listed as a clerk for Jacob Becker.
Published in the September 21st, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Linda Oster, Researcher.
GAR stands for the Grand Army of the Republic. This was a fraternal organization of veterans from the Civil War (Union Army, Navy, and Marines) The organization was founded in 1866 at Decatur, Illinois. At its height it had many community units in the formerly Union and western states. Albert Woolson, the last member, died in 1956 so the organization dissolved, but it was the forerunner of the current veterans groups.
“Linking men through their experience of the war, the GAR became among the first organized advocacy groups in American politics, supporting voting rights for black veterans, promoting patriotic education, helping to make Memorial Day a national holiday, lobbying Congress to establish regular veterans' pensions, and supporting Republican political candidates. Its peak membership, at 410,000, was in 1890, a high point of various Civil War commemorative and monument dedication ceremonies.” Grand Army of the Republic - Wikipedia
Published in the June 1st, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
This photo is an aerial view taken in 1947. Numbers have been inserted to identify the buildings at the time. 1. Davison County Courthouse 2. Congregational Church 3. Post Office 4. Newberry’s Store 5. Elks Lodge 6. Rozum’s Motors 7. Masonic Lodge 8. Corn Palace 9. Porter Motor Garage 10. Beckwith House 11. VFW 12. Lawler Hotel
Published in the July 13th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
The Second Corn Palace is Junked! January, 1920 Researcher – Linda Oster
The first Corn Palace (1892-1904) was located at 4th and Main with its main entrance on 4th Avenue. The second Corn Palace that was located at 5th and Main with the front entrance on 5th Avenue is the topic of this article; it was in use from 1905-1920. The new Palace was not ready for the 1920 festival so the celebration was held in a circus tent along with other attractions. The 1920 Palace’s front entrance was on Main Street.
The first two Palaces were decorated from the roof to the street. However, by the time the third Palace was built, it was decided to have panels along the front and side of the building rather than cover the building.
Published in the August 10th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photographer – Beth Walz SD Merci Boxcar Researcher – Linda Oster
Small boxcars, Voitures, like the one shown were used in WWI in France to transport troops to the front. They were built between 1872 and 1885. Each car was marked with the words, “Hommes 40 – Chevaux 8.” Simply put, this meant that the capacity of the car was 40 men or 8 horses. In 1920 a small group of American Legion members got together and formed an honor society of war veterans. They named their group ”LaSociete des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux” meaning “the Society of 40 Men and 8 Horses.” Their symbol was these small French boxcars.
These small boxcars were still found to be in use in WWII. A brochure on the cars states that, “Many of the current 40 and 8er’s actually rode in these little boxcars during and after the war. In 1947, over 700 carloads of relief supplies were sent from the people of America to the people of France and Italy.” All of these supplies were donated by ordinary citizens throughout America. Soon after these relief supplies were received in France the people started loading 49 of these small, old boxcars with gifts to be sent to America as a “thank you.” The idea was that each state in the union was to get a car.
The cars arrived in New York on February 2, 1949. The wheel base was larger than American railroads so they were loaded onto flat cars for shipment to each state. The French had restored the cars and put the coat of arms of each of the 40 French Provinces and the words “Gratitude Train” on the cars.
The car sent to South Dakota arrived in Huron on February 5, 1949 and was presented to the State of South Dakota by a member of the French Embassy. The gifts inside went to several museums around the state with some being auctioned off and the proceeds going to charity.
The boxcar was accepted under SD Senate Bill 304 which required maintenance of the car by the State Fair Board. The state did not maintain the car and in 1980 the 40 & 8 group restored it to its original condition. In 1985 the State Fair Board provided funds for a covering and the 40 & 8 has been responsible for the maintenance. It is one of only 39 remaining known in the world today.
Published in the November 2nd, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Firefighters’ Christmas Gift – 1958 Researcher – Linda Oster
This photo of all of the full-time firefighters in the Mitchell Fire Division was taken and given as a present to each of them for Christmas in 1958 by then-Chief Dean Claussen. The men are, left to right, back row: Claussen, Capt. Cletus O'Byrne, Bob Hoffman, Lyle Swenson, Tom Jonasen and A.C. "Bus" Krimball. Front row, left to right: Capt. Clarence Hendrix, Jim Miller, Claude Thompson, Frank Durst and Capt. George Kraft. (Photo courtesy of the Mitchell Area Historical Society).
Published in the December 21st, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Tokens from Bliss’ Cash Department Store at 215 N. Main.
Linda Oster, Researcher
Tokens have been used since the time of the Romans and are usually intended for some specific kind of purchase, place of purchase or service. They were made of various kinds of metal, leather or even paper and their purpose was often to offset the shortage of legal tender coins and give merchants a way to extend credit that had to be used in their store; this helped guarantee future business. They are not to be confused with legal tender coins that are issued by a government. “In North America, tokens were originally issued by merchants from the 18th century in regions where national or local colonial governments did not issue enough small denomination coins for circulation. In the United States, Hard times tokens issued from 1832 to 1844 and Civil War tokens issued in the 1860’s made up for shortages of official money. Tokens were also used as company scrip to pay labor for use only in company stores owned by the employers.” wikipedia.org
In the September 6, 1901, issue of the Mitchell Daily Republican there was an announcement that Cortis J. Bliss had taken over the Harker Brothers store. (That issue also told of the shooting of President McKinley.) The store was originally called C.J. Bliss. By early October it was called Bliss’ Cash Department Store. By February 8, 1902, he had a partner, John L. Arney, and the store was called Bliss and Arney. On June 30, 1902, the partnership was dissolved with Bliss going into the real estate and livestock buying business and Arney running the general store.
It is very unusual for a store that was only in existence for five months to have issued tokens. Their tokens were issued in denominations of 5¢, 25¢, 50¢ and $1.00 and were only good for merchandise in the store. They measured 1 ¾ inches.
Published in the March 16th, 2024 Mitchell Republic
A 65-Year Tradition Continues…
For over 65 years “Woolworth’s” caramel apples have been served up during Corn Palace Week on Mitchell’s Main Street. Gerry Franks began to dunk, twist and twirl apples in roasters of caramel in 1959 as an employee of Woolworth’s located at 3rd Ave and Main St. In the beginning caramel apples sold for 10 cents. In 1991 they were selling for 65 cents and by 1995 they were $1 on a stick and $1.25 cut up in a bowl.
When Woolworth’s closed their doors in 1993; Gerry, with corporate approval, donated the equipment and recipe to Mitchell Community Hospice to keep the tradition alive and raise money. In addition to selling the caramel apples, Hospice asked people to consider buying a box of apples at the cost of $20, in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one. An apple with their name would be placed on the “apple tree” at the caramel apple stand. Hospice continued for 8 years, selling apples from the Woolworth Building, Main Attraction Mall at 4th Ave and Main St and Advanced Business Concepts at 305 N Main St.
In 2002 the Uptown Business Association (UBA) secured the equipment and recipe, carried on the tradition of caramel apples, helping Hospice and began offering apples delivered. The UBA became Mitchell Main Street and Beyond (MMSB).
Around 2006 the Carnegie Resource Center joined MMSB offering walking tacos and cheesy chili foot longs as well as caramel apples located at Brenda’s on Main Street. When the Corn Palace carnival stopped setting up rides on Main Street and went to the North Main area parking lots, the caramel apple tradition carried on in various locations such as the Back 40 and a space in the Corn Palace Mall where Cherrybees is located. The last couple of years those scrumptious apples could be purchased at the A.C.T. Theatre on Main.
This, the 65th year for the caramel apple tradition during Corn Palace week, is still available and can be purchased at the A.C.T. Theatre on 7th and Main. Delivery and pre-orders can be arranged.
Published in the June 29th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photographer, Leeland? Early Mitchell- archives at Carnegie Resource Center Linda Oster - Researcher
The writing at the bottom of the picture says, “City homestead Palace Mitchell, SD.” The photo is labeled “Homestead of Buddy Burns.” This picture presented a mystery – Who was Buddy Burns, who is the lady pictured and were these really people and a place in Mitchell, South Dakota? City Directories gave no clue, but the obituary books yielded this information. Alonzo D. Burns, was known to the citizens of Mitchell as “Buddy.” He was born in Syracuse, N.Y. on June 22, 1847, and was a resident of Mitchell for 40 years. He earned his living by doing odd jobs.
Buddy married Sally and they made their home in Mitchell. To the people of Mitchell, Buddy’s wife was known as “Sally of the Alley.” Sally and her husband of 33 years met at the Salvation Army where Sally and her mother were members. Her obituary in the Gazette of February 22, 1929, states that she had “short curls and hoop skirts died of vivid colors.” Sally and her mother came to Mitchell in the 1880’s and lived in a shack in the alley behind where Becker’s Clothing was at 206-208 North Main. Sally’s home was called “Sally’s Dry Goods Box” where she stayed until the city condemned it so that the businesses on main could expand to the alley. The city bought her a home on West First Street and there she lived with her mother and husband. According to Sally’s obit they were “county charges” all of their time in the area. Sally and her mother were “both eccentric characters and dressed in the styles of the early seventies.” Poor health plagued her the last few years of her life and she had become nearly blind. She died on the evening of St. Valentine’s day at the age of 73.
Buddy outlived his wife and passed away on April 14, 1931, at the age of 84. In the last few years of his life he was blind. The Evening Republican obit says that he had no living relatives as far as anyone knew. Sally and Buddy are buried at Graceland Cemetery.
Published in the June 15th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photo taken after 1882 from the Court House looking SE
Linda Oster, Researcher
When towns were young and just finding their way, streets did not necessarily have to follow squares and the compass reading. This photo taken from the Court House looking SE testifies to the fact. An angle here or there lead to the fastest way between two points. Notice that three churches sat in this area: The Congregational Church, the Baptist Church and Holy Family Catholic Church. Pictures taken a little later show houses built rather randomly in the area.
Land for the City of Mitchell (75 acres) was purchased on May 5, 1879, two miles west of Firesteel Village by John Lawler, Sr., a wealthy bridge builder and Milwaukee Road stockholder who was friends with Alexander Mitchell, head of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. The total land purchased was over 320 acres of government land, some of it purchased from men who had filed homestead rights nine days after the filing with military script. This land was the start of the new town of Mitchell.
In 1882, H.C. Greene proposed a court house for the county. A vote was taken - 264 for, 56 against. The Court House was built to serve Davison County and that building served until 1937 when the current Court House was built. This detail helped date the photo shown as a note was written on the picture stating the location of the photographer and the direction he was looking.
Side note: South Dakota gained statehood November 2, 1889.
Published in the May 4th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Linda Oster, Researcher
Mitchell National Bank in 1886 Sign on left side reads Mitchell National Bank and on the right Davison Bros – Seaman – unreadable bottom
George Washington Davison and his brother Nathan Davison purchased the assets and building of the insolvent Bank of Dakota from Stuart Goodykoontz and set up a bank called the Davison Brothers Bank (1884-1886) with the original location on the site of the present Geyerman’s store. This bank merged into the Mitchell National Bank in 1886 having received their national charter October 22, 1886. There were several partners in the Mitchell National Bank: the Davison brothers, L.N. Seaman and J.S. Terwilliger, realtors; and H.G. Chandler, hardware retailer; O.J. Raymond, grocer. Nathan Davison died in 1904 and G.W. Davison moved, but still served as bank president.
William Smith became the new president in 1906 and served until 1923. Under his aggressive leadership a new building with four Ionic columns was built down the street; before the bank bought these two lots, several other businesses had occupied the space at 217 North Main: a clothing store, print shop, Ray Hannett Bakery and Ratham Grocery. Today the building houses The Vault Clothing Store.
Mitchell National Bank built a new building and moved to 403 North Lawler Street in 1977. In 1984 the bank was sold to Norwest Bank and in 1998 Norwest Bank and Wells Fargo merged under the name of Wells Fargo. For more details about Mitchell National Bank please stop at the Carnegie Resource Center.
Published in the February 24th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Armour Creameries Unknown Photographers Linda Oster - Researcher
Armour Creameries had a long history in Mitchell. It started as Turner Creamery in 1896 and was increased by the addition of Hampton Ice Cream in 1910. Armour and Company of Chicago bought out the enterprise in 1926 and renamed it Armour Creameries and relocated the plant to the corner of Ash and Burr. During its flourishing years (1930's & 1940's) the company served 5,000 farmers by handling their produce of chicken, eggs and milk which was valued at $1,000,000 per year of return. The company boasted that it had a payroll of $75,000 per year. Shipments to eastern markets numbered around 250 carloads. The return to South Dakota was about a million in cash. It was further stated that it spent locally about $1,150,000 for supplies etc.
The company thrived until the 1960’s when larger corporations proved to be too much competition. Armour Creameries moved out of Mitchell in 1968. The building was purchased by James Dee, who ran a cheese plant on South Sanborn called Dakota Cheese. Currently, Make It Mine occupies the area of the old Armour Creameries.
Published in the October 26, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Mitchell Roofing and Cornice Works - Leland Photo Researcher – Linda Oster
The first listing we can find for Mitchell Roofing is in 1939 located at 105 S. Sanborn, Mitchell, SD. Arthur C. Franks is listed with the company name in 1940 – 1942. There is no mention of the company in the 1945 City Directory.
The top left picture is labeled, “Store Room,” The top right photo is labeled, “Workshop.” The Office is the bottom picture of this composite. They were a company that had a general tin shop, sold Weir furnaces, made or handled steel ceilings and skylights. If anyone has any additional information and would like to share, please contact us at Carnegie Resource Center 119 West 3rd Ave, call 605-996-3209 or email info@mitchellcarnegie.com.
Published in the October 19th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
This picture was taken September 30, 1922 by Olie Leeland. Former North Dakota Governor Lynn J. Frazier was in Mitchell to speak on Non-Partisan League Day during Corn Palace Week. Mr. Frazier was governor of North Dakota from 1917 to 1921 when he was removed from office. In 1922 he was elected to the United States Senate as a Non-Partisan Candidate on the Republican ticket and remained in office until 1941. This photo is looking south on Mitchell’s Main Street from 3rd Avenue. Mitchell National Bank is on the right side.
Notice the Gale Theatre is on the left side of the street. In 1914 the Gale Theatre Building (later the State Theatre) in the 300 block of North Main had burned down. The theatre had an exclusive contract with Goldwyn and Universal Pictures and instead of letting them lapse, they remodeled this building (seating 450 people) and opened May 16, 1914. The Gale closed at this location in June, 1923 and reopened as the Unique Theatre on February 23, 1924. The Unique closed June, 1928 and later the building was occupied by Winner’s Clothing Store.
Published in the June 22nd, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Unknown photographer- Main Street North from 3rd Avenue Circa Early 1950’s Linda Oster, Researcher
A busy Main Street is a good sign for the businesses. Most of those pictured are no longer in operation or they have moved to other locations. The 1950 City Directory lists these businesses: on the left side as (west) is the Saterlie Drug Store in the Champney Building, Mitchell Florists, The Spudnut Shop, Army Navy Surplus Store, Sellers Typewriters and Music shop, Jarold shop, The Paramount Theatre, Scoreboard, Feinstein’s and Ruby Ann Food Shop; pictured on the east side: Baron’s department store, Woolworth’s, Thunes, Singer Sewing Center, Sumption Maytag, Pooley’s Radio Repair, Kelly’s Florists, Mitchell Liquor, North American Creameries and Blynn Shoes.
Published in the June 8th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photographer and Researcher – Linda Oster Collection on display at the Carnegie Resource Center
Found hanging on the wall at the Carnegie these very old coins along with others and some paper currencies are items of interest. In addition to the Roman coins shown, note the coin from the Union Station in Omaha, Nebraska. The paper currency shown on the top is from The First National Bank of Letcher in South Dakota. These items were donated to the Carnegie by Roger Musick. They belonged to C.A. Storla, his Grandfather. Mr. Storla exhibited his collection at the Commercial Trust and Savings Bank in Mitchell in June, 1956, to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee as noted in an article of the Daily Republic dated June 6, 1956. The Storla family were early settlers in Mitchell. T.O. Storla, C.A.’s father, was among the passengers on the first train into Mitchell. He looked around and liked what he saw as he returned to Iowa and came back in 1881 with a train of two or three covered wagons and more settlers. He married, farmed and had eleven children. In 1913 he moved to Canada. With the exception of C.A., T.O.’s children, eight of whom were living in 1956, did not stay in the area.
Published in the August 31st, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Picture from The Tumbleweed 1940, pg. 20 Researcher- Linda Oster
The 1938-1939 Conference Basketball Champs, the Dakota Wesleyan University Team.
Top L to R: Coach Belding, Lester Greener, Carl Johnson, Glen Draisey, Davis Johnson, Don Ahern
Bottom L to R: Keith Miller, Louis Davis, Roland Cotes, Don Swanson, Charles SummersSometimes while doing research, a well written piece with the flavor of the day comes along. The following is from the same page in the DWU yearbook as the photo and meets those criteria. Note the long-time Mitchell names on the roster.
“Perhaps one of the most impressive chapters in Wesleyan’s basketball history was written by the conference championship team of 1938-1939.
Competing in the National Intercollegiate tournament for three consecutive years, the Tigers met and defeated the Texas West Teachers, ‘tallest college team in the world,’ for one of the greatest upsets in the 1938-1939 tournament.
Featuring such basketball aces ‘Les’ Greener, Don ‘Slippery’ Ahern, and Glen ‘Slick’ Draisey, this Tiger team probably had as much or more individual color than has any other team in Wesleyan history.
During the seasonal conference play this Tiger team won ten out of twelve games. To make the season even more interesting and successful the final conference game, the only thing standing in the way of Wesleyan championship, were the Yankton Greyhounds. Determined to keep the ‘Ham,’ win the conference and defeat Yankton College for the second time during the season, these cagers decisively whipped the Yankton boys 47-22.
Glen Draisey, lanky tiger forward, paced the entire conference in individual scoring, garnering 151 points in 13 games. His closest competitor, Goodbarn of S.F. College, had 126.
In addition to this, four men were chosen for the mythical all-conference five. They included Greener, guard; Ahern, guard; Davis, forward; and Draisey, forward. This closed one of the most colorful years in Wesleyan’s basketball history.” Tumbleweed 1940
Published in the February 10th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Last month Back in Time did a feature on the Commercial Bank which was established on January 6, 1897, in a wooden building located on the SE corner of Main and East Third Ave. The original two-story wooden building constructed in 1882, according to the cornice on the top of the building, was replaced in 1906 with a new three-story brick building at the same location. The old building was moved to the back of the lot. While doing research on the Johnson Furniture Company, this picture came to light. It shows the old wooden Commercial Bank building as it sat on East 3rd Avenue after being moved in 1906. The bank moved in 1961, to 208 East Third with the main entrance on the north side of the building. Other businesses occupied the brick building space until the Commercial Trust and Savings Bank building at 220 Main Street was destroyed by fire in 1981 and razed in 1982. The area where the old wooden building sat is now a parking lot behind Uptown Park which is the area of the brick Commercial Bank building built in 1906.
Published in the January 20th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Circa 1912 Linda Oster Researcher
The Washington Café’s sign on the back wall says, (314 N Main Street, formerly the site of the Little Red Hen and currently the Q Jewelry & Gifts store) “Try Our Hot Dinner Sandwich 15 cents” This café was owned and operated by Zina H. and Estelle Eager. They are pictured seated at the back of the café. As was common among store owners and operators, they resided on the second floor of the building. The café reopened on May 23, 1917, as the Grand Café and was open 24 hours a day.
Published in the January 6th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
George Erhart started the SnowFlake Bakery around 1909. The bakery made deliveries and advertised, “Erhart’s ‘Eureka Bread’. Pure, clean, different and delicious –it really is best. For sale by all Grocers, or at the bakery.” In August, 1912, the bakery moved to 112 West First Avenue and remained at that location until 1932. Paul Hoffman worked for the Erharts from 1922 until he bought the business from Mrs. Erhart in 1929 after the death of her husband George from a heart attack that followed a 1928 car accident. The bakery continued to prosper under Hoffman. He advertised fruit cake for 50 cents at Thanksgiving in 1931 along with “pies, cakes, rolls and all the goodies to make that Thanksgiving Turkey a success, can be gotten fresh at your grocers the morning of Thanksgiving.” He moved the business in 1932 to 114 North Main. By 1947 Hoffman sold the bakery to Gerard C. Schoep from Platte. Schoep was a Navy radarman recently discharged. He served in seven battles in both the Atlantic and Pacific Theatres. Gerard wasn’t new to the bakery business; he and his father were bakers in Platte. If anyone knows what happened to this business and would like to share the information for our files, please contact the Carnegie Resource Center at info@mitchellcarnegie.com or call us at 996-3209.
Published in the February 17th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
1902 Popcorn Machine Photo on left donated by Leroy Krause Linda Oster – researcher
Taking a pile of junk and restoring it to its former glory days was a hobby for orthodontist, Dr. Leroy Krause. The featured popcorn and peanut machine is dated from 1902. He said that he found it in a friend’s yard, bought it and took it home. Ten long years of effort and research went into the restoration.
According to a Mitchell Daily Republic article on November 10, 2003, Dr. Krause restored six popcorn machines with his first being horse drawn. He and his wife Janet started selling popcorn from their restored machines in the 1950’s for a nickel a bag. Later daughters, Karla and Mary Rae, would take over the popcorn selling making money for themselves. Karla writes in a short essay entitled, Thoughts on the Dunbar Popcorn Wagon that the sisters started selling popcorn when they were about 11 or 12 years old. Their father decided that it was good business training and would allow them to earn some money; as the girls grew older he turned the operation over to them. Mrs. Krause got involved by visiting with her many friends and encouraging them to buy from her daughters. The Krause’s always dressed in red and white while selling popcorn; Mrs. Krause just thought that “you couldn’t sell popcorn without the red and white uniforms.”
The sisters mainly used a steam powered Dunbar popping machine when they sold at city concerts, Corn Palace Days, high school games, nursing homes and on the sidewalk when Mitchell held city celebrations. They also sold soft drinks for ten cents a cup. A small bag of popcorn sold for ten cents and a larger box for 25 cents – salted and buttered. Karla says most people bought the small bags. Sadly, after the death of Mary Rae in 1969, the family stopped using the popcorn machines and eventually all were sold except the 1902 model which Karla owns.
Published in the November 23, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
J.I. Case Threshing Machine Co Circa 1902-1911 Researcher – Linda Oster
The J.I. Case Threshing Machine Company sat at 201 S Main according to City Directories starting in 1902 through 1911. This is the area of the parking lot in front of the Depot. In 1904 J.A. Jelly became the manager taking over from J.T. Morrow. Business was so good in South Dakota that the Case Company representative stopped in Mitchell to look over the facility and make plans to build new warehouses in Watertown and Aberdeen. Both Mr. Marrow and Mr. Jelly greeted the representatives on March 25, 1904. The Mitchell Capital reported in January of 1906 that Mr. Jelly, general manager, for J.I. Case went to Racine, Wisconsin to give a “good” report to company officials about business in Mitchell. Mr. Jelly involved himself in the community. On June 14, 1907, the Mitchell Capital reported that a men’s club was established in connection with the Presbyterian Church and J.A. Jelly was the Vice President. Mr. Jelly increased his interests in the area buying a firm that dealt with harness goods in August 1907. It appears that the firm was located in Alexandria where Mr. Jelly intended to move his family by September of that year. According to a 1909 Business Directory Mr. H.A. Boylan was part of the management. M.V. Frank was the general agent in 1911 with Mr. J.T. Morrow the manager. Mr. Morrow was also involved with the establishment of the Commercial Bank in 1897, along with Howard Kibbee, George Row and Samuel Webber.
Our information is very limited about this company. If any readers have more information and would like to share it with us to increase our files, please contact the Carnegie Resource Center at 119 West 3rd Ave, Mitchell, SD. Our phone number is 605-996-3209. Our email is info@mitchellcarnegie.com.
Published in the October 12th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Unknown Photographer Circa Pre-World War I Linda Oster – Researcher
Henry Stopfer and William Hohn (second and third from the left) operated a popular saloon in Ethan in pre-World War I days. Women rarely entered such establishments then, but there were chairs behind the building and a parking area for horses and buggies where wives and girlfriends could be served or just wait for their husbands and beaus.
Published in the September 7th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Found in archives at the Carnegie Resource Center Linda Oster – Researcher
This campaign card promoting Lyle Swenson for Davison County Sheriff shows a little of Lyle’s philosophy and his commitment to Davison County and his position as Sheriff. Back in Time was one of his favorite ways to get the area history out to the public. He carried his zeal for history into many organizations and would talk about history and Davison County to anyone with a thirst for knowledge. He was instrumental in starting the Mitchell Area Historical Society and acquiring the Carnegie Library from the city that now houses both Mitchell Area Historical and Genealogical Societies. He worked very hard to get the 1903 building back into shape and could attribute several projects to that end: fixing the roof, tuck-pointing the building, installing new windows, modern air conditioning and acquiring storage units to name a few. The city of Mitchell and Davison County had a true champion in Lyle Swenson. It seems appropriate to let Lyle have the spotlight for this Back in Time. Lyle passed away on July 16, 2024.
Published in the Sept 14th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photo donated by Rick Atkinson Budweiser Horses in front of the Mitchell Liquor Store July 1953
In an interview with Rick, we learned that his father, Earl Atkinson owned this bar at 114 East 2nd Ave at the time. The figures standing in front of the horses are of an unknown female (possibly with the wagon and horses) and Bob Engravallo; Logans owned the building. He believes that this was taken in conjunction with a parade and the Jay Gould Circus that was in town July 11, 1953. Reportedly 9,000 attended the parade. The circus was sponsored by the Mitchell Jaycees.
Published in the July 6th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
From the archives at the Carnegie Resource Center – Ribbon was donated by the Gilbert and Dorothy Smith Family Linda Oster, Researcher
This ribbon was part of the 1904 campaign for Mitchell to become the capital of South Dakota. The City of Mitchell used every advertising ploy to get the people of South Dakota to vote for Mitchell. John Phillip Sousa was brought in to perform at the Corn Palace for the cost of $7,000 for the week. The railroads helped out by offering free rides to Mitchell. The city built a building intended to be the Capitol Building, but it ended up being the City Hall when Mitchell lost the vote.
The train has many flags and banners that read “VOTE FOR MITCHELL; WE LIVE IN THE JAMES RIVER VALLEY.”
Your imagination will have to answer the question – What would Mitchell be like today IF…
Published in the July 27th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Holy Family Church and Notre Dame Academy, located at 222 North Lawler as it looked circa 1918. The original church was built in 1882 and was moved to South Kimball when this church was built in 1906. The church has made many improvements in the last few years including work on the two side steeple towers in 2012. The Notre Dame School was opened in 1885 and that building was torn down and the one pictured was constructed in 1912, and high school students were admitted that year. In 1921 a southeastern addition was added to the school and academy. In 1956, the northeast side of the building was added. The Holy Family and Holy Spirit School systems were combined in 1999. The old school building was demolished in 2005, and a new gathering space, handicap accessibility, an elevator, new parish offices, small chapel, and new restrooms were built in 2008.
Published in the February 3rd, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Found in the archives at the Carnegie Resource Center Researcher – Linda Oster
Earl and Hilda Erickson purchased the first A&W Drive-Inn from Alex Sobotta on August 1, 1951. The original was a small orange and white building that sat very close to then Highway 16 (now Havens Street). This business underwent many changes throughout its life. A new main building was built and Earl and his son, Roger, had the carport added to the building in 1966. Roger leased the business from his parents in 1966 and bought it in 1972. Note the speakers (32 of them) provided patrons a modern way to order their food and carhops would deliver it to the car. The Carnegie Resource Center has a working speaker menu on display along with other memorabilia from the A&W. The building has housed many other businesses since closing in March of 1994.
Published in the August 17th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Found in collection at the Carnegie Resource Center Linda Oster – Researcher
Sending happy new year wishes to all. The Carnegie Resource Center is open Monday-Saturday from 1-5 p.m. Note that the building pictured is before the second set of front steps was installed in the 1950’s. The second set of steps were replaced in 2024. The Carnegie building was built in 1903 by A.J. Kings with help from Andrew Carnegie’s grant. As the need for more space grew, two additions were added to the original building. The building has housed several different groups and is now the property of the Mitchell Area Historical Society. Many of the original features like the stained glass and hand-hewn woodwork are still vibrant and are a testament to the skill and style of the day.
Published in the December 28th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Found in the archives at the Carnegie Resource Center
Linda Oster, Researcher
We thought readers might enjoy seeing how information and photos come into the Resource Center. This picture was donated in 1994 with the donor writing down the information on the back that he thought described the photo. The writing on the back of the photo reads: “Interior of Johnsons Furniture 2nd location in Mitchell - 1915 or 1916; Somewhere on West Side of Main St in 100 or 200 Block – Possibly in old Broadbent Building; 1st store was in a converted livery stable near Milwaukee RR St ?; Donated by Paul Kuick, son of Gust Kuick, long-time employee Johnson’s Inc. & nephew of Wm. & Fred Johnson; October 1994.”
After doing some research into the possible location of the store, the 1911 City Directory shows that the Johnson Brothers Furniture Store was located at 214 Main Street. Another source stated that it was in the old Scallin Drug building which wasn’t in business until the 1920’s. The first location of Johnson’s in 1907 was a half block from the railroad station on the west side of Main Street in a converted livery stable. Fred M. and Will Johnson were cabinet and violin makers from Sweden who started the business. The 1917 and 1921 directories list the location of Johnson’s Furniture at 317 N Main. In 1922, Johnson’s Furniture Co. constructed a building on the corner of East Third Avenue and Lawler Street with the third and fourth stories added in 1928. They shared the building with The Staehle Hardware Company along with a series of doctors and other offices, as well as, the Betts Grain office.
Published in the August 3rd, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photo of Bradley Young taken from the 1958 Mitchell High School Yearbook, the Warbler
Linda Oster, Researcher
Mitchell has always prided itself on providing an education for its citizens. Evidence of this is shown in the early years of the community when it was still at Firesteel where the first school was held in a store building with Edmonia Greene as the teacher from 1874-1875. The first school in Mitchell proper was held in a building known as the Presbyterian Chapel from 1879-1880. Founders of Mitchell started planning for a school right away with a vote taken to assess taxes to pay for a school. John and Catherine Lawler donated land for the school that was built and named Whittier in 1880. It faced Sanborn street and was both elementary and high school. Mitchell continued its building of schools throughout the city and it still continues today to upgrade the buildings and curriculum. The story of Bradley Young School is a part of that history.
When Bradley Young moved to Mitchell in 1917, he probably had no idea that one day he would have an elementary school named in his honor. He came to Mitchell as manager of the first J. C. Penney store. He was respected for serving his community. He was a very accomplished man and his 21 years as a member of the Mitchell School Board, and 10 of those as its chairman is the reason he was honored with a school named for him.
It had been known for many years that the Junior High School building at the corner of Third Avenue and Sanborn Boulevard would need to be replaced. In 1966, the Mitchell school board purchased 40 acres of land located north of 8th Avenue and west of Minnesota street from Edwin Cassem and Thelma Cassem Cropp. The new Junior High School was built on this land in 1969, and dedicated on November 2.
In 1967, Plano Consolidated School was taken into the Mitchell School District. The junior and senior high grades were moved to Mitchell, leaving only the first six grades at Plano. In 1969, the remaining six grades were taken into the Mitchell school system and moved to the old Junior High School building. The name was changed to Plano Elementary School.
The Plano Elementary School remained at the old Junior High School location until the fall semester 1971 when it moved to rooms in the west end of the new Junior High School. When this move was made, the school’s name was changed again to Bradley Young School.
Bradley Young School existed from 1971 to 1979. Mrs. Leona Klinkner was the principal at Plano and also taught kindergarten. She was also the principal at Bradley Young School and taught 5th grade. Several other teachers taught at both Plano Elementary and Bradley Young School: Mrs. June Goldammer, Mrs. Georgia Gross, and Allan Biggerstaff. In 1979, students attending Bradley Young School were absorbed into the existing grade schools in Mitchell. Thus came to an end the existence of a very short-lived elementary school in Mitchell—Bradley Young School.
Published in the April 27th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photo by Stair Inside the current Corn Palace – 1921 Linda Oster - Researcher
A Stair Photo shows the “Community Christmas Interior at the New Corn Palace” located at 6th and Main, Mitchell, SD in 1921. This third Corn Palace seated 5,000, double the 5th and Main building. Another change happened with the decorating of the exterior; panels were decorated instead of the whole exterior of the building. The price tag for this new building was $200,000.
Published in the December 14th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Researcher – Linda Oster
Louis and Mary Beckwith moved to Mitchell, Dakota Territory on April 22, 1882. They were business people and weren’t interested in homesteading. Louis Beckwith is one of the people responsible for getting the first Corn Palace to become a reality. They were very community minded and served in many capacities to benefit Mitchell.
Their home is an example of the Italianate style. The house was moved in 1976 to the museum grounds of the Friends of the Middle Border Museum (now Dakota Discovery) which saved it from demolition. Those wishing to check it out can find the home sitting behind Dakota Discovery with its side listed as 352 Andrews St. and the front door facing South Duff. The interior of the home had to have extensive restoration because it had been made into a duplex in the 1930’s.
Frank Purdy constructed the house in 1886. It is a two-story building which was said to be conservative for the time; it boasted porches that featured the latest in archetectural millwork. A little Queen Anne style which was popular in the early 1880’s shows up in the “hood over the south bay window, and the porches with fishscale shingles, fretwork and turned posts.”
Sage green with dark green and oxblood red highlights was the original color scheme, but by the 1900’s a new color scheme with a soft yellow with grey trim showed off the house. By the 1930’s the house was painted completely white. It is now painted in colors close to the original color scheme. The interior of the home had a curved walnut staircase with curved walls for the library and hallway, detailed wooden floors in part of the house and carpets in the rest, Japanese transome screens, elaborate hardware and wallpaper of the period graced the inside of the home.
Friends of the Middle Border brochure -1983
Published in the January 13th, 2024 MItchell Republic.
Back In Time 2024
Linda Oster, Researcher
Top: College Hall sits on the hill all alone on the campus of DWU in the early days of the University. Circa 1891
Bottom: Hersey’s photo from 1915 shows left to right: Graham Hall (built 1901-03); College Hall (completed in 1889); Science Hall (built 1911-12). Since 2019, Science Hall went by the name of Hughes Hall.
Methodist settlers in 1883, founded Dakota University in Dakota Territory. They adopted the motto "Sacrifice or Service". This is symbolized in the collegiate seal of the altar, the ox, and the plow. On October 14, 1904, the institution assumed its present name of Dakota Wesleyan University
It became the largest independent college in South Dakota by 1920. When the depression hit, DWU adjusted by accepting farm produce for tuition and the staff took pay cuts in an effort to still educate. Teachers were given housing in Graham Hall and coupons to purchase items in town.
Change and tragedy are part of any institution’s life. College Hall burned on February 12, 1955. At the time it was the main administrative building of DWU and housed the offices of the Friends of the Middle Boarder Museum along with many pictures, books, manuscripts of FMB. The Museum was in the process of moving and many collections had been moved to another building. Brave fire fighters were able to save many of the Museum’s collections that had not been moved. The other two buildings have been torn down and the campus has a new look.
The University is a growing, vital part of Mitchell, SD and boasts many famous graduates ranging from chefs, governors, senators, writers, presidential candidates, athletes, and leaders of industry and education. It competes in 18 intercollegiate varsity sports, and has to its credit championship teams. The McGovern Library and Center for Leadership and Public Service was dedicated on October 7, 2006, with many dignitaries attending including former President Clinton. In keeping with the motto of the school the pillars located on the north end of campus state, "This gateway is dedicated to pioneer men and women of the middle border who sacrificed that here the torch might be relighted"
Published in the March 9th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Pictured is the Beckwith Building during construction, circa 1915. The Beckwith Building was located on the NE corner of 4th Avenue and Main Street and was built by Louis Beckwith, who was a prominent business man in Mitchell and co-founder of the Corn Palace. The very first Corn Palace was located on this corner until 1905, when the 2nd Corn Palace was built at 5th Avenue and Main Street. Sanitarium Bath Parlors and The Only Way Tailors were two of the first businesses to call this building home. Originally there were three buildings and in 1940 they were combined into one. Northwestern Public Service Company had offices in the north end of the building. In 1962 Newberry’s opened up the largest Newberry’s in South Dakota at this site. Bob Schoenfelder purchased the building in January of 2002 and it is now called Midtown Plaza. Bob has done many renovations to the old building. There are 17 apartments on the 2nd floor. There’s one permanent resident in the building, Roy the ghost, but he doesn’t bother anyone except for making a little noise once in a while.
Published in the November 16th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
West side of N Third Main Street -1947
Photo courtesy of Jim Blades
Linda Oster, Researcher
Jarold Shops-clothing store (311 N. Main), Paramount Theatre (313 N. Main), The Scoreboard – sports bar (315 N. Main) and Feinstein’s Clothing occupied this space on Main Street. The site of the Paramount Theatre had originally been the site of a theatre built by L.O. Gale, which opened on November 10, 1916, called the Gale Theatre. After a fire that destroyed the Gale on March 26, 1914, a new structure was built, and it was opened as the Metropolitan Theatre on May 3,1915. In January 1925, the theatre was bought by Finklestein and Ruben of Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 1929 saw another change of ownership with Paramount Studios purchasing and remodeling the building changing the name to Paramount in 1932. Paramount, locally known as the Minnesota Amusement Company, remodeled a second time and renamed it the State Theatre in 1952. Jeff Logan bought it in 1972 and showed the last movie there in 1989. The building was sold to the Area Community Theatre group (ACT) who were doing a remodel in May 2004, when the building burned. The building housed The Little Red Hen to the south of the State Theatre and the Scoreboard to the north at the time of the fire.
Published in the March 30th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photo by Hersey First Municipal Christmas Tree – 1915 Researcher – Linda Oster
Hersey Photo Studio captured this 1915 celebration on 2nd and Main in Mitchell, SD. This is the first municipal Christmas tree put up by the city. Businesses that were located along the street at the time on the west side included Metcalf Clothing and Furniture at 201 Main, Diehl Drug at 209 Main, and the recognizable white columns of the Mitchell National Bank at 217-219 Main. Among others, the east side of the street housed Becker’s Clothing at 208-210 Main where the Becker logo can still be seen in the brickwork at the top of the building. The Corn Palace sits in the distance at 5th and Main.
Published in the December 7th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
This photo was taken by Olie Leeland, who owned Leeland Art Studio. Leeland’s Art Studio produced and sold a souvenir book in 1911 in which this photo was included. The Maynard Theatre (shown on the right) opened May 23, 1910. It was located in the north side of the Champeny Building and was named for the owner, Mr. Tournier’s son, Maynard. The Maynard featured moving picture shows and seated 350 people. Next door to the Maynard was the Mitchell Candy Kitchen, which was a veritable Palace Parlor of sweet things. Across 3rd Ave to the south was the Western Bank building with the bank in the north half and Gillis Shoe Store on the south half. The building with the white pillars was the Mitchell National Bank.
Published in the November 9th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Photos and programme from the archives at the Carnegie Resource Center – Leeland Art & MFC Co Publishers is the photographer for the bottom picture. Linda Oster - Researcher
John Philip Sousa and his band were the featured performers at the 1904 Corn Belt Exposition. They drew large crowds which added to the excitement since Mitchell was making a bid for the state capitol. The city was putting their best foot forward in an effort to gain the capitol title. This Corn Belt Exposition was part of that persuasion. The Palace was decorated in Navajo motifs and Grecian borders which was said to have been the most elaborate decorations with which the Corn Palace had been adorned since its beginnings on September 28, 1890. Mitchell agreed to pay Sousa and his band $7,000 per day for six days. The Daily Republican on October 3, 1904, reporting on the Saturday night performance with a headline of “ALL RECORDS WERE BROKEN” stated that, “Dr. Dundas had a few words to say touching on the magnificent successes of the week and the magnificent efforts contributed by Mr. Sousa and his band. … Mr. Sousa faced the audience and thanked the Dr. for the kind words and for the hearty appreciation of his band, but he said that the Dr. was there to do the talking and he was to make the music.”
In addition to the listing of the music the programme had reminders and tidbits of information such as:” For the Comfort and Pleasure of All, Ladies are Requested to Remove their Hats; BE SURE TO VISIT THE BALCONY AND INSPECT THE LADIES’ WORK; CABLE PIANO USED IS FURNISHED BY GEORGE HOLLERMAN; Entire Change of Program To-night – Doors open at 7:00 o’clock, Begins Promptly at 8:00 o’clock; Time of Departure of Trains will be announced from Stage; SPECIAL FEATURES ON STREET (From 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 m.; from 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.; from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. and from 7:20 to 7:40 p.m. each day); Music by Bands 10:00 to 12:00 a.m., 1:00 to1:45 p.m., 4:15 to 6:00, 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. each day.” Visitors were also invited to visit the Capitol Building one-half block west of Main St. on Second Ave. All ladies and gentlemen visit the Club Rooms. The programme was published by “Press of the Mitchell Printing Company.”
The Sousa Band came back to the Corn Palace in 1907, 1921 and 1925. The 1904 Corn Belt Exposition was the last celebration in the first Corn Palace located on the northeast corner of 4th Avenue and Main Street as a new one was being built for 1905 located at the northeast corner of 5th Avenue and Main Street.
Published in the August 24th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Shown is the 1905 Corn Palace during the decorating process. The Corn Palace was torn down in June, 1905 at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Main Street and a new one was built on the north east corner of Fifth Avenue and Main Street. Increasing yearly attendance made the need for a larger building. No contractor would bid the job, Dr. B. F. Dundas, a relative newcomer to Mitchell, took personal charge hiring who he could as day laborers. The new 125 by 145 foot structure was completed in 55 days after the laying of the cornerstone. With the new Palace came the new name for the festival – the Corn Belt Exposition became the Corn Palace Festival. Governor S.H. Elrod delivered the dedicatory address. An Italian band, Sorrentino’s Banda Rossa was the entertainment for the week, while the free acts outside consisted mainly of acrobatic acts.
Published in the July 20th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Mitchell Main Street looking North from 2nd and Main Circa 1940’s
Linda Oster, Researcher
A busy Main Street showed a prosperous city with many businesses occupying the street. On the west side of main sat Gambles boasting auto supplies at 201 N Main; the Time Theater at 203; Schirmer Pharmacy at 205; Medical Arts with many offices; Dahle at 207; Kresge 5 & 10 cent; Toggery men’s clothing at 211; Geyermans women’s clothing at 213; Oriental Chocolate Shop at 215; Mitchell National Bank at 217; and J.C. Pennys at 221-23. On the east side of the street sat Larrison Brothers drug store at 200 N Main; Red Owl grocery store at 204-06; Newberry 5 & 10 at 208; Becker’s Clothing at 212; Burg Shoes at 216; Grigg Men’s Clothing at 220; and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank at 222.
Notice the competition on going on between the theaters. On the left of the picture is a banner on the Time Theater advertising a Midnite Show at 11:30. They were showing Cecil B. DeMille’s 1939 production of Land of Freedom movie that dealt with the history of the United State from pre-revolution through 1939. Not to be outdone, the Roxy Theater located on Lawler is advertising a Midnight Show at 11:15 with a banner hanging from the roof between the drug store and the Red Owl grocery store. They have an arrow pointing to the theater as well as a large sign on the top of the building pointing to the location. That small booth on top of the building also belonged to the Roxy and was used to advertise shows by broadcasting over a loud speaker.
Published in the April 13th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Mitchell, Dec 30, 1913 Mitchell Comrades of ’79 Linda Oster, Researcher
Front Row: A. Hammer, Druggist; JW Beattie, Store Owner, Postmaster; Frank M. Hammer, Druggist; John O. Walrath, Businessman
Back Row: Thomas J. Ball, Mail Carrier & Postmaster; George A. Johnson, Attorney and Real Estate; Joseph T. Morrow, Businessman, Banker, Land Developer; JK Smith, Register of Deeds
“There’s a feeling within us that loves to revert to the merry old times that are gone” is the motto of the Mitchell Comrades of ’79. By December 1879, many businesses and people from the village of Firesteel, having lost their bid for a railroad station, had made their way to the newly established village of Mitchell. As winter weather set in with many blizzards, the supply of coal was very limited. A group of 16 young bachelors started meeting around a heating stove at the drug store to stay warm, share companionship, dreams and hopes of the future. Eventually, this group came to write a simple five article constitution establishing the first social club in Mitchell calling themselves “The Comrades of ‘79”, nicknamed the “Hot Stove” League. The purpose of the group was to keep their friendships with each other and celebrate their survival of the harsh winter 1879-1880 with a yearly reunion and banquet “upon the appearance of the first ‘blizzard.’ “(Article 5 of their constitution found an early edition of the Mitchell Capital)
In addition to those in the above photo, the society members recorded in the constitution are as follows: W.E. Crane, physician; A.J. Waterhouse, attorney; Ira Woodin, J.I. Merriam, H. G. Smith, and H.L. LaDue, occupations unknown; and J.F. Kimball, banker. Ed Devy was also included in other writings as part of the group, but is not found in any photos. He is listed in the 1883 – People of Mitchell publication.
The first reunion and banquet was held on Friday, October 15, 1880, at the Odd Fellows Hall. The young men were proud of the fact that they cooked the meal without any women, decorated the hall and invited many guests. The event began at 9:00 p.m. with A. J. Waterhouse delivering a welcome and reminiscence address where he stated, “Old world forgotten, Firesteel, ‘with all thy faults I love thee still’ (quote from Lord Byron about England) for there first met and grew a little acquainted, and much acquainted the ‘Comrades of ’79.’ There first formed some friendships which may end with life.”( Early edition of the Mitchell Capital) The speech was followed by card playing and dancing. At midnight, dinner was served. A newspaper article in the Mitchell Capital stated, “Everything was done which would tend to make the occasion an enjoyable one.” Nine of the original sixteen attended the last reunion on November 18, 1918.
Published in the March 2nd, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Linda Oster, Researcher
Brick manufacturing in Mitchell began shortly after the founding of the city. The first account was noted in the 1880 edition of Industries of Mitchell under "Brick Manufactory." A gentleman by the name of Spears found clay "equal to the best in the East." He located his brick factory one and one-half miles east of Mitchell near the Jim River. He built six kilns which could produce 100,000 to 150,000 bricks each. His bricks were used to build the Hitchcock Block, Bourne Block, Lecher Building and many other prominent structures of the day.
By 1898 the Isaac Spears Brickyard was located at 909 N. Main St. Mr. Spears was also involved in the ice business and later that of moving houses and grain elevators. By 1902, James Spears, Isaac's brother, was listed as the brick manufacturer located at 905 N. Main St. By 1911, there was no longer a listing for the Spears Brickyard and James Spears had retired.
Published in the April 20th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Grain harvesting in the 1920’s certainly looked different than today’s harvest methods. Grain bundles would be loaded onto a bundle rack (hayrack). Horses would bring the bundles of grain to the threshing machine. The grain from the bundles would be loaded into the thresher, and the grain separated from the chaff and straw. The grain is elevated from the thresher to the truck. The truck hauls the grain away while the chaff and straw are blown out of the thresher into a pile. Much of the straw/chaff would eventually be hauled away for bedding for livestock. Notice the fly nets on the horses to help keep the animals from being bitten by flies.
Published in the September 28th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Redline Piano Company -Leland Photo Circa 1911-1916 Compiled by Linda Oster
The Daily Republic dated April 26, 1910, reported that Schmoller and Mueller Piano Co. from Omaha came to Mitchell to open up a wholesale/retail store. Frank A. Redline, a manager for Schmoller at the time, accompanied Mr. Schmoller.
By 1911-1912 the Redline Piano Company is part of the Mitchell business district. George W. Redline was the manager, Edward Redline was the bookkeeper, and Henry R. Redline was a traveling agent for the company located at 312 N. Main (City Directory 1911-12). A full-page ad in the paper dated December 8, 1913, announced that Redline was moving to A.J. Kings building at 417 N. Main because they had outgrown the 312 N. Main location. They ran a great sale on all their merchandise. They remain at this location until 1921 when they moved to 326 N. Lawler - across the street from the Post Office. Ultimately they end up at 316 N. Main from at least 1937-1941. We have no record of the company after 1942.
The Redline family built a very successful business headquartered in Mitchell. According to a Daily Republic spot on April 25, 1916, they had, “more than 500 branch stores and agencies for the world’s best pianos and player pianos, electric piano and organs. …(it) is doing the largest retail business of any store in the city; say nothing of the great wholesale business.” They employed 10-15 traveling salesmen. The Mitchell store was the main retail store.
Frank and Henry Redline were the solid foundation upon which this early Mitchell business prospered. One source said that Henry was in charge of the Mitchell store from the start in 1911-12. Frank is listed as the proprietor starting in 1913 until around 1920. Frank died sometime between 1920 and 1923 (likely before 1921). The City Directory of 1923 listed Rose Redline, widow of Frank, as working at the Carnegie Library. Clayton Rackcliffe was managing the store in 1921. Harriet, his wife, is listed as the manager in 1940. (We believe that Harriet may be a daughter to one of the Redline sons. Still looking for proof of this at this time.) Clayton and or Harriet Rackcliffe managed the business from 1921-1941.
Published in the October 5th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
Linda Oster - Researcher
Charles Lindbergh made history on May 20–21, 1927, the day that he flew for 33 ½ hours from Long Island, NY to Paris, a distance of 3,600 miles; as a further bonus he collected $25,000 from Raymond Orteig who vowed to pay the first pilot to cross the Atlantic non-stop from the US to Paris that sum in 1919. It is claimed that his aircraft was specifically built to meet the Orteig challenge.
This flight turned him into a global celebrity. He was given parades to celebrate. President Calvin Coolidge awarded him a Distinguished Flying Cross and Congress gave him a Medal of Honor; he was promoted to the rank of colonel in the U.S. Army Air Corps Reserve among many other honors bestowed upon him. At 25 years of age Lindbergh was the first Person of the Year for Time magazine. South Dakota was no different from the rest of the world and wanted to also honor Lindbergh and get a look at the now famous Minnesota native. Thus the stop in Sioux Falls, SD on August 27, 1927. Note tickets were $1.50 for a round trip on a Coach Train leaving from Mitchell at 6:10 am. and arriving in Sioux Falls 8:40 am.
Published in the May 18th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.
SW Corner of East 3rd Ave and Lawler in 1930 - Photographer – Hersey Photo Service - Linda Oster-Researcher
The largest building on the corner is the Johnson’s Furniture Co. constructed in 1922 with the third and fourth stories added in 1928. The first location of Johnson’s in 1907 was a half block from the railroad station on the west side of Main Street in a converted livery stable. The second location in the old Scallin Drug building and then in the Feinstein’s location. The Feinstein’s location was not ideal as it sat next to Raskins Grocery which had many rats in the back of the grocery. Fred M. and Will Johnson were cabinet and violin makers from Sweden who started the business. Fred eventually bought his brother’s share and his sons, Harold and Orwin (Orv) bought out their father in the 1930’s. Barbara Johnson Murray, daughter of Harold, and Alan Murray moved to Mitchell in 1965 and purchased the store. In 1977 the Murrays purchased the old telephone building and did extensive remodeling of the Johnson Furniture store. The store motto was, “We Make A Home Out of Houses.” Johnson’s Furniture shut down in September of 1995, with an auction to sell out their remaining inventory.
Businesses that occupied this same area were: Starting in the far left of the picture on Lawler Street were, Armour Creameries, Mitchell Oldsmobile Company and the Day and Night Garage which at one time was used for the Hubbard Motor Company. The Staehle Hardware Company was above the Johnson’s Furniture store along with a series of doctors and other offices, as well as, the Betts Grain office. The Dakota Central Telephone Company which later became Northwestern Bell sat on East Third Avenue to the west of the Johnson Building. White Eagle service station sat across the street to the north.
Published in the January 27th, 2024 Mitchell Republic.