Unknown Photographer                 Photo courtesy of Dave Kline                  Linda Oster - Researcher

     The First Annual Boy Scout Merit Badge Exposition Parade on Mitchell’s Main Street in 1934 showcased the Sioux Area Council.  This view is looking north towards the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Main Street.  Notice the phone booth on the right side of the photo. 
    Businesses along the east side of Main pictured are: Gilbransen Pianos-Redline Piano Co at 316 N. Main under Clayton Rackliffe; Central Market under Kusler and Spratford; Nicholls Drug Co under Biersdorf with a sign on it advertising Gilpin Radio Service at 111 E 4th owned by Kenneth E. Gilpin; Blynn Shoes at 321 ½ N Main under Raymond Blynn in the J.N. Crow building; Mitchell Hardware at 400 N Main under Lavrits Peterson. 
      No other details of the parade could be found, if you have any details please let us know by emailing info@mithellcarnegie.com or call the Carnegie Resource Center at 996-3209.

Published in the February 1st, 2025 Mitchell Republic.

Unknown Photographer                                Circa 1950’s                           Linda Oster - Researcher

Railroad Avenue looking west in Mitchell, SD after a major blizzard.  The wrecker truck shown is from Mitchell Motor Company located on the right at 124 South Main Street.  The building shown behind the wrecker truck to the south is Pepsi Bottling Company.   The Milwaukee Depot sat to the left (east) of the Pepsi building.

Published in the February 8th, 2025 Mitchell Republic. 

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Unknown Photographer          Armour, SD circa 1890’s                      Linda Oster - Researcher

Armour, Douglas County, SD was established in 1885 and is named after the industrialist of meat packing fame, Philip Danforth Armour. The City took on the name of Armour because Philip Armour was the chairman of the railroad that  eventually went through the town in 1886 from Tripp to Armour for a total of 20.47 miles of track by the Milwaukee and he donated a bell to the local Congregational Church. The population of Armour in the 1890 census was 482.
     Every once in a while a picture shows up in the archives at the Carnegie Resource Center that raises some questions. This is one of those photos. There is a crude corral made of wagons and farm machinery. Apparently some type of contest is taking place with the barrels and the man with the bull (highlighted). There is a man standing on a ladder behind the barrels on the left (highlighted), perhaps he is the judge. The sign on the side of the building on the right says it’s a real estate office and the sign on the front says Reservation Land Office.  On the same side of the street is a Furs and Grocery store. The left side of the street has a Billiard Hall, a hardware store selling corn stoves and a drug and jewelry store. If anyone can shed some light on what is going on in this picture and help satisfy our curiosity, please let us know at the Carnegie so we can add to our knowledge base. You can call 605-996-3209, email info@mitchellcarnegie.com or stop in and have a chat with us at 119 W 3rd Avenue (open from 1-5 pm - Monday-Saturday).

Published in the Jan 4th 2025 Mitchell Republic.

Schlimgen Sign        Linda Oster - Researcher

This sign was used by Edward E. Schlimgen for his transfer business.  The sign reads” E.E. Schlimgen Baggage and Transfer  à You Call We Haul”.  Edward was in the transfer business for 54 years called Draymen in the early years.  Customers could leave orders for Schlimgen at Hotel Widman and Hotel Mitchell or call for service.  Schlimgen also hauled the wet hoses back to the fire station for the Mitchell Fire Department.  In 1959, Schlimgen was honored for being with the Mitchell Fire Department for 60 years and named an honorary Chief.   The sign measures 43” x 17” x 1” and hangs in the Lyle Swenson Gallery at the Carnegie Resource Center.  

Published in the January 25th, 2025 Mitchell Republic.

Back In Time 2025

Unknown photographer                        Porter Motor Co Circa 1950                Linda Oster - Researcher

     Porter Motor Co, 601 North Main, Oldsmobile Dealer circa 1950, is now the current location of the Chamber of Commerce.  Porter Motor Company owned by Leon Porter, was located at 200 East 2nd Avenue before it moved to this location at 601 North Main, circa 1948.  In 1958, it was then known as Dakota Motor Company owned by Delmer W. Olson and Wilson Tire Company owned by Ernest G. Wilson. Olson later moved Dakota Motor Co. to 1409 North Main.   In 1959 Wilson started selling Volkswagen's and changed the name to Import Motor Company.  In 1974 Wilson sold the business to Ray Case and Darwin Webb.  Import Motors was at this location until 1976, when they built a new building at 1901 North Sanborn Street.

Published in the January 11th, 2025 Mitchell Republic.  

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Rozum Motor Co.                                   1922 – 500 North Main                                  Linda Oster - Researcher

     This photo, donated by Dick Rozum to the Mitchell Area Historical Society, shows Rozum Motor Company building (500 North Main) under construction. Mark Wold Construction Co. out of Brookings, SD is the contractor shown in the photo.  
     Rozums got their start in 1917 when Anthony J. Rozum purchased the Ford Dealership in Mitchell from Art Miller.  The first building was located at 200 North Lawler and was relocated to 105 North Main in 1919. 
    Another move took Rozums to a location that had formerly been the site of the second Corn Palace torn down in 1920; Rozums remained at 500 N Main until they built a new building at 2300 North Main in 1980.  The 500 North Main location was sold to Boyd Reimnitz; the city eventually got ownership and made it into a city parking lot. 
     The 2300 North Main location was sold to Scott Krantz in 2006 and was operated under the name Mitchell Motors. Vern Eide Ford is now located at 2300 North Main.

Published in the January 18th, 2025 Mitchell Republic.